Monday, April 18, 2011

More Baby Cooper

I completed all the editing for this photo shoot and thought I would share a few more pictures. I had a sick day at work today, so I managed to get them all finished. I ended up editing 36 out of the 900 odd pictures I took. I love what I ended up with and definitely look forward to the next time I get to do a newborn shoot!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Baby Cooper

I had the chance to spend some time with a super cute family this afternoon. They just had a baby boy, Cooper, and I got to take some photos of him and the family! Here are a few snapshots from the day. I have loved the chance to edit baby photos. A first for me, but I sure hope it's not a last. Hope you enjoy!

What a Crazy Month!

It has been an absolutely crazy busy month for me lately. I have done some photographing, but getting around to editing and blogging has been difficult for me lately. Here are a few from a field trip I went on with my students on Friday. We toured historic Vinland and Lecompton, KS. Enjoy!

I will hopefully have some more once I get done with editing them.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Great Day!

I spent the afternoon at my parents' house where our black doggie is being housed until we move. She played outside and I snapped some photos of her and some of the beautiful things in bloom. Hope you enjoy!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

What a Beautiful Evening!

Bandit enjoyed some time outside this evening. The puppy that lives behind us was out as well and they enjoyed staring at each other for quite some time. I managed to snap a few pictures (cute pictures, if I do say so myself). Enjoy!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Welcome to My Blog!

Hello all! I am starting a blog for my photography business. I will be posting pictures hopefully daily. Here is one from yesterday to get us started off:We were expecting some storms and I wanted to get a shot of the clouds rolling in. We ended up getting two rounds of hail and some major wind. No substantial damage though.